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Soviet Comrade User Guide

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Have you ever wanted a personal assistant, but also wanted to roleplay being in the Soviet Union? Me neither! But anyway, if so, then Soviet Comrade is the chat bot for you! He stores all the chores you need to do to help kick capitalism’s butt! With him, you can add todos, events, and deadlines, list all your chores, find a specific chore, delete current chores and he even detects if you enter a duplicate chore!


todo - add todo

Simply type todo and the description of the task after to enter a new chore to do.

deadline - add deadline

Simply type deadline followed by the description of the task, then “/by” and then the date in dd/mm/yy 24HrHHMM format to record a new deadline

event - add event

Simply type event followed by the description of the task, then “/at” and then the date in dd/mm/yy 24HrHHMM format to record a new deadline

done - indicate task is done

Simply type done followed by the number of the task that is done, to mark that task is done.

delete - delete existing chore

Simply type delete followed by the number of the task to delete to indicate which task to delete

find - find existing chore

Simply type find followed by the keyword of the chore(s) you want to find.